Day 365! The End!

Exif Data: Nikon D3200 ; Lens:  Nikkor AF Zoom 70-300; 145 mm, ISO 100; f/7,1; 1/200 s.

Every story has an ending, but every ending is the beginning of something new!

Finally the day came; this is the last day of my 365 Project!

One year ago I was looking at my flickr gallery and all of a sudden I decided to start a 365 project; I had thought about it many times but I never gave it a try; one year ago I didn’t even think about it, I just started when the idea crossed my mind.

I had nothing to do at that time, but I didn’t really think that some days later I was going to be very busy; I didn’t really mind when I realized that, I decided to challenge myself to complete one year of photos, and now, I have achieved it.

I want to thank everyone who has visited, liked and commented my photos in the past year; all of you have encouraged me to go on and keep my eyes wide open to see what I could capture and to find a way to show you the world through my eyes.

Through this year I shot some abstract photos and I asked you what the subject was, I also promised that I was going to post the answers; below you will find the links of the different posts, so that you can see the photos and you will find the answers too:

Day 37: A broom

Day 45: A cheese grater.

Day 82: A library seen through a glass brick.

Day 113: A pin art toy.

Day 174: A palm leaf.

Day 204: An anthurium.

Day 250: A peacock’s feather.

Day 307: A butterfly’s wing.

Day 332: The phone’s speaker.

Day 358: A laundry brush.

Some people asked me what I was going to do after this project; truth be told, not another 365, right now I have no enough time for it, but I wanna keep blogging and sharing pictures with you, I was going to open a new blog but I just decided that I’ll do it in this one, I’m not gonna post daily, I’ll do it once i a while, and I wanna involve more something that I really like, the writing.

I was asked to make a top 10 of my favorite photos, it’s really hard, I have more than 10 favorites. Follow these links and you will find my favorite shots (in no particular order):

Day 31, Day 72, Day 114, Day 143, Day 152, Day 216, Day 218, Day 255, Day 327, Day 342.

Do you have a top 5? Is there a photo that you particularly remember? I would like to read different opinions.

That was all for today; I think this time I’m not gonna say until tomorrow, but I’ll be back in a couple of days hopefully!

Thanks for having followed me in this path!

Feel free to leave feedback, critiques or suggestions.



Por fin llegó el día! Hoy es mi último post para mi proyecto 365.

Hace un año mientras miraba mi ghalería de flickr, tuve un impulso de empezar este proyecto, ya lo había pensado varias veces pero nunca me decidí; esa vez no tuve ni que pensarlo, simplemente lo hice.

No tenía nada que hacer en ese momento, pero no pensé que unos dias despés iba a estar muy ocupado; cuando me di cuenta de eso decidí no parar sino retarme a completar mi año de fotos, y hoy lo he logrado.

Quiero agradecerle a todos los que han visitado, seguido y comentado mi trabajo en este año, cada uno me dió ánimo para continuar y mantener mis ojos abiertos, y así poder mostrarles el mundo que me rodea a través de mis ojos.

A través de este año hice  algunas fotos abstractas donde pedí a la gente adivinar qué era lo que estaba en la foto, y prometí el último día poner las respuetas; abajo están las respuestas, y si dan click en el día, van a encontrar la foto:

Day 37: Una escoba

Day 45: Un rallador.

Day 82: Una biblioteca a través de u ladrillo de vidrio.

Day 113: Un Pin Art, es un juego de agujas para hacer cuadros en 3-D.

Day 174: Una hoja de palma.

Day 204: Un anturio.

Day 250: Una pluma de pavo real.

Day 307: El ala de una mariposa.

Day 332: El parlante del telefóno.

Day 358: Un cepillo de ropa.

Algunas personas me han preguntado qué voy a hacer después de este proyecto; la verdad, no otro igual, ahora no tengo tiempo suficiente para dedicarle a algo tan grande, pero quiero seguir bloggeando y compartiendo algunas demis fotos por aca; pensaba en abrir otro blog nuevo, pero acabo de decidir que voy a seguir usando este, no poniendo fotos cada día sino de vez en cuando, e involucrando más algo que me gusta mucho, la escritura.

Alguien me pidió hacer un Top 10 de mis fotos preferidas, ya lo había pensado desde antes, la decisión no fue facil porque hay varias que me gustan mucho, pero aca les dejo las que más recuedo, sigan los links y ahi las van a encontrar:

Day 31, Day 72, Day 114, Day 143, Day 152, Day 216, Day 218, Day 255, Day 327, Day 342.

Tienen algún Top 5? Hay alguna foto que recuerden en particular? Me gustaría leer diferentes opiniones.

Eso fue todo por hoy; creo que esta vez no voy a decir “Hasta Mañana”, pero seguro estaré de regreso en algunos dias.

Gracias por haberme seguido durante este año!

Críticas, comentarios y/o sugerencias son bienvenidas.



73 thoughts on “Day 365! The End!

  1. I’ll miss you… But I’m glad that you still going to blog! Congratulations!!! This project is definitely a challenge and you completed it with honor, amazing and inspiring photos with that special touch that make them speak by themselves… Thank you Pablo! I wish you the best!!!

    1. I think I’ll start missing to blog every day, I need to take a break for a couple of days because as you have experienced it, taking one decent shot per day is not easy.
      Thank you Camila!

      I’ll keep checking your blog often, and I wish the best for you too.

      Keep in touch!

  2. Pablo,

    Congratulations on completing your year of daily posts. I have enjoyed seeing them, and have also enjoyed “talking” with you via our respective blogs. I am happy to know that you will continue to post, and look forward to following your photographic journeys!


    1. Thanki you Melinda!
      It’s been a pleasure meeting you here!
      Your work is amazing, you have sucha great eye for finding things that look perfect in black and white and for compositions as well!
      I’ll keep following you; keep up the good work!

  3. Hola Pablis!!
    Muchas cosas por decirte!h
    Constancia, disciplina, imaginacion, observacion, por ultimo pasion y amor por tu camara y todo lo que con ella lograste!!

    Tu trabajo de cada dia, de cada semana, de cada mes y el del año fue un espectaculo. Te felicito eres un ejemplo para muchas personas!!!

    Gracias por darme ese regalo diario, al llegar a la casa y en algun momento de la noche abrir esa caja magica de maravillosas sorpresas en que para mi, se convirtio tu Blog!!!

    Te felicito y te amo!!!

  4. Pablis FELICITACIONES ,Cerraste con broche de oro, demostraste que eres un hombre muy disciplinado, responsable , recursivo, creativo, y comprometido con todo lo que te propones, voy a extrañar mucho tus experimentos , cuando dejabas anilina de colores en varias partes , cuando te ayudaba a tener algo, cuando pegabas cinta en la pared y luego se caia la pinturaa , cuando pedias mi opinion me sentia honrada, en fin esto hacia parte de mi vida también. Fue un año que me deleitaste con esta obra tan maravillosa , con los comentarios que le hacias a cada foto. Se que lo que decidas hacer ahora lo lograras con exito . TE AMO hijo, soy la mamá más orgullosa del mundo.

  5. You found a fitting image for your last post of the year. 🙂 Congratulations on a year’s wonderful work. I am looking forward to your more in depth writing and photographs. I know they will be interesting and inspired … as is everything you do. Come around for a visit now and then. Thank you for your support of my blog. You always encourage me! See you soon back here with fantastic stories! 🙂

    1. I’ll definitely come around and very often 🙂
      I love “She kept a parrot” it is definitely one of my favorite blogs, and now I see that you post very often in “The Fuzzy Foto”; It’s strange because I don’t get any notification Via email when you post, but now I’ll be checking more often.

      Thanks for every word you’ve written in my blog George!
      Keep in touch!

      1. 🙂 Oh, I’ll be keeping an eye on you in FB. I get notices when you post to your blog. Are you going to change the name of it?

        1. I’m thinking about it, I think I will, but I don’t know how to name it; that was one of the main reasons for not opening a new blog, I kept thinking the whole week and haven’t found a good name for it 🙂

  6. gracias pablo por tus fotos diarias espectaculares, tienes mucha madera, te admiro y deseo muchos exitos, cuidate un abrazo

  7. Ay Pablo – de veras que talento! Gracias por haber compartirlo.
    Me alegro que vas a continuar con el blog 🙂
    Saludos y Abrazos y siempre deseándote lo mejor…

  8. Hola Pablo. Un abrazote. Mil felicitaciones, por la constancia, la disciplina, y sobre todo la sensibilidad.

  9. Congrats dude!!! that is a job well done!! I don’t blame you for not picking up another 365, I know I won’t right away!! I will keep following your work, as it is amazing and inspirational! There hasn’t been one bad image in the bunch that you’ve shared, which is amazing!

  10. Pablo, que gusto haber podido disfrutar una a una tus fotos! Mil y mil felicitaciones por compartirnos esta experiencia, seguro que estarás muy satisfecho por haber sacado con exito este proyecto y haber dejado a tantos fans encantados con tu obra. Que juicioso eres! Te admiro mucho! Seguiré pendiente de tus fotos, con ellas aprendo, me inspiro y me motivan a ser cada vez mejor. Un abrazo!!!

  11. Pensé en las mismas palabras de tu ´Mamá, cerrastre con broche de oro, todo un derroche de tecnica fotografica, hiciiste un trabajo estupendo, como si hubieses hecho juegos pirotecnicoa.
    Felicitaciones, eres un hombre a carta cabal, CUMPLISTE con tu proposito de una manera brillante, eres grande Pablo, has dado un ejemplo de tenacidad, disicplina , perseverancia…alguien hacia por ahi tu equacion, me uno a esa definicion. Segui todas tus fotografias y algo te dije de todas, me alegro de haber acompañado un gran proyecto….seguimos en contacto!!!!

  12. Congratulations, Pablo! Your photos have really shone out over the last year, and it’d be a shame to think that you wouldn’t post on a regular basis. Having said that, 250 days in myself, I know how much time it takes, so I don’t blame you at all!!! hanks for sharing your images! 😀

  13. First of all, THANK YOU for sharing these photos with us!!!!

    I will look forward to read your writings and to see your beautiful photos.

    I hope you will write as often as you can. 🙂

    Good luck!

    Aa, my favourite photo is Day 327. 😀

    1. Corneel!
      Thanks to you for having followed my blog and foro having encouraged me to go on by telling me all the time that I was creative!

      I will, for sure, I’ll try to post as often as possible, and I’ll keep an eye on WORDS too!

      Keep in touch amigo!

  14. Congratulations Pablo, a great accomplishment and always great photos. It is a challenge to share a photo every day and not only have you done that tremendously well, you always have such great narrative. It’s no surprise to hear that you enjoy the writing. I look forward to your next adventure. Xxx

  15. Pablo congratulation! Congrats for this blog, for this project. One year ago you were giving us a reason to look foward for the next day, waiting for a new picture ans a new story. Now you’ve completed that project.
    Now we ask you to keep going as you gave us passion for your “art work”
    This project is so well done, congrants one again, and I’m very happy you did it. You know I was very sad when you told me the end was coming, but now the ideo of keeping the blog made my day.
    I will always support your art work!! 🙂

  16. Congratulations Pablo – an awesome achievement!!! I will deeply miss your posts if you choose to stop, as you are extremely talented and I learn from photographers like you! Keep up the great work!!

  17. Congratulations on completing your personal challenge. Your photos are amazing, and the backstories very entertaining and enlightening. Hope to see more of your work in the future.

  18. for some reason I could not Like your post 😦 when I clicked on the button it only redirected me to the top of your blog page…..I do like this though and well done for having posted 365 already. I am duly impressed 🙂

    1. That’s strange Cathy, you know, the same happened to me once when I tried to like one of your posts some months ago, I don’t know what can be wrong, but anyways, thank you for your kind words!
      Hugs from Colombia!

  19. I am sad ):
    I’ve been following you since the middle of the project or maybe a bit later, and I can honestly say that your photography is amazing. I can’t recall my favourites, but I usually like the macro closeups.
    Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more photos from you soon (:

  20. Pablo, I have so enjoyed your journey… you have amazing talent and every post left me in awe. 🙂 I am so glad you will continue your blog and will not leave your faithful followers hanging! Looking forward to your next phase. What a perfect picture for your closing entry to your 365 adventure! It is beautiful.

  21. Well, Pablo, I tried to leave a comment from my mobile phone, apparently it didn’t go through. Can’t remember exactly what I wrote in it… but I think it was along the lines of “Congrats! Hope you won’t forget about this blog and that you will continue to post photos!”

    So…yeah. 🙂 Well done!

    1. Haha, Thanks Joana!
      I’m for sure not forgetting about this journey, it’s been such a great experience and for sure I’ll keep posting whenever I have something interesting that I’d like to share!

  22. what a beautiful collection of photos pablo, congratulations to you. its been a pleasure to follow your 365 project. I have enjoyed every photograph and every story behind each photo. thank you so much for sharing your beautiful part of this world with us all. I truly have enjoyed. I’m looking forward to your future post.. and I know that whatever you will share with us will be enjoyable… have a great relaxing weekend.. : )

  23. En primer lugar Pablo, enhorabuena por haber completado tu “reto personal”, aunque pienso y creo firmemente que ha sido algo mas que eso para ti. Enhorabuena. Y pasando al terreno de la fotografía, creo que tienes muchisimo talento y una emocion en tus fotos que… no se como describirlo, como si las fotos fueran mas que fotos… (un poco dificil decirlo con palabras). Nunca se me han dado bien las despedidas y supongo que es normal que se me haya saltado un lagrima, y aunque sepa que es un hasta luego, no un hasta siempre (o eso espero), tu y tus fotos me habeis ayudado mucho en un año que ha sido muy duro, dificl y agotador para mi. Muchas gracias. Y ahora finalmente y como siempre te he recomendado: “Sonríe y vive la vida, porque es demasiado corta” See you 🙂 -Leo

    1. Leo!
      Si, ha sido mucho más que un reto, con el pasar de los dias se fue convirtiendo en algo más, como en parte de mi vida, nunca me imaginé que fuera a ser así.
      Mil gracias por tus palabras, y seguimos en contacto!

  24. oh dear, your photo year is over, how sad for us, 5 of your most stunning unforgettable photos that is asking alot, I so enjoyed probably all of them, your informative blogs, everything you’ve a great talent in many areas, I look forward to your occasional blogging….so lucky for us you took that personal challenge and bravo for finishing…

  25. A beautiful photo and post for your last day. I truly loved that you took the time to include some of your favorites (and mine too). Throughout the year, your posts have been informative and your photos evolved into amazing works of art.. Congrats to you my friend. “see you on Flickr”

  26. Congratulations dear Pablo, this is so beautiful to hear this. You are amazing. And now, what will be your next project, I would like to hear your new one 🙂 Thank you, love, nia

  27. Congratulations for making it through your 365 challenge Pablo! The images and creativity have inspired me, thank you for sharing your talents! Hope you keep this blog if you decide to write/blog.

  28. Congratulations, Pablo! It’s a huge achievement.
    I have enjoyed your photography so far, and I look forward to seeing what you’re going to do with the blog from now on 🙂

  29. Me alegra saber que no es el final 🙂 Es una imagen impresionante para cerrar el ciclo. Voy a leer lo que escribes tambien. Fue un gusto, Pablo. Suerte!

  30. Congrats on finishing! You did a fantastic job! I’m sure you’ll be taking a break from posting, but I do hope to see some of your photos again in the future!!!

  31. Congratulations Pablo! I will miss you and reading your posts 😦 I’m glad to hear that you are continuing to post even though the project is over. But seriously, having completed the project, I understand how challenging some days can be and I’m so proud that you continued through to the end with amazing photographs. Thanks for sharing the world as you see it, it’s been a pleasure being on this journey with you. It’s too hard to pick a favourite, I love the shot in this post and have always admired your macro work. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations 🙂 !

  32. CONGRATULATIONS! Well done.

    I might not have followed you from beginning, but I have loved all your shots. Full of creativity, colors, surprises- all my favorite things.

    I hope to see another new interesting project from you. Cheers!

  33. Pablo, congratulations to you for an year of truly outstanding photography! I’ve told you more than once how inspired I’ve been by your work. Lately, I’ve been so consumed by work that I’ve fallen off my visits, but I am always so glad to have the chance to come back around and see what you’ve been up to. You are an incredible artist, and it has been such a pleasure to see how innovative you’ve been throughout your project, always pursuing new techniques and approaches. Thank you for the support and encouragement you’ve given to me throughout these last many months. I’ll look forward to future posts from you, and wish you all the best in your many endeavors!

    1. Thank you Melanie!
      Your work has inspired me a lot, you always show us the world in a way that none of us can see it.
      Thank you for all the comments, likes, critiques, and everything.
      I’ll keep an eye on your blog constantly, don’t wanna lose contact.

  34. Oh so sad Pablo, I shall miss you – you introduced me to a part of the world I would love to visit some time, well done you and get going on another project as soon as you can! Lx

  35. Dear Pablo,

    I got back from three weeks in Turkey and have been trying to catch up with my blogs. I only just realized your project was winding down when I came to your last post! I will try not to feel too sad, although I will really miss you! I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog. You are such a talented photographer, and a dear fellow! If you do start another project, please notify me, and I will be a happy follower. I wish you all the very best, and great success in your life, and your art. Warmest wishes and kind regards.

  36. Hay Pablo ! Felicitaciones por llevar a buen termino este proyecto ambicioso y hermoso… Y gracias por compartir tus fotos,sentimientos y conocimientos ! Espero ansioso tus nuevos post y tus inspirados textos ! Un abrazo …
    P.D gracias por dejarte ver por instagram 🙂

    Jorge Andrés

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